
Don’t be a Grinch just because the Holidays are over

Public service announcement: The Holidays are over. Your living room probably looks like a Christmas bomb went off, there’s a bit of leftover turkey in your fridge and although it was the BEST Christmas ever, you are exhausted. You’re not alone in the post holiday let down.

The mess and sleep deprivation can push us into a state of anxiety. There was so much to do BEFORE the holidays and now there’s so much to do AFTER. The tree needs taken down, new toys need put together, the kids are still home from school and they want to be fed constantly… and the list goes on… It can throw us all into a Grinch-like state. But we can choose to NOT be the mean one (Mr. Grinch).

Try this instead—> Every time an exhausted, grouchy thought flutters through your mind, attack it with a thought of gratitude or optimism.


There’s so much un-decorating to do. —> We have a beautiful, warm home where we were able to make wonderful family memories over the Holidays.

All of the new Christmas gifts are taking over the house. —> What a blessing that we were able to give and receive gifts to show our love for one another. Plus, this gives me a great opportunity to purge old items and donate them to bless someone else.

I’m completely exhausted after the Holiday rush. —> I’m going to do what I can, as I can. I’ll make it a priority to take care of my family and myself. The time will pass anyway and things WILL get accomplished if I tackle a little at a time.

Believe me, friend, this exercise will CHANGE your life. When we change our thoughts, we can change our whole world. Choosing to think in a more positive and grateful way doesn’t cost us a thing, but it can make a huge difference in our lives.

“When we change our thoughts, we can change our whole world.”

-Katie Hedrick

Choose gratitude. Choose optimism. Choose happiness!

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What’s your Happiness Personality? Find out in 30 seconds if you are the Queen of Happiness, the Grinch’s BFF or somewhere in between. Once you discover your Happiness Personality, you can let it shine! Curious? Take the Quiz HERE!

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