Katie Hedrick purple chair

Who is “The Happy Chick?”

Hey there! I’m Katie. 

I’m a girl who loves Jesus, my family, my online communitycoffee and the color purple. I’ve got an amazing husband, three awesome kids and we live together on a farm in Iowa. Together, we love to travel, explore nature or just hang out! Our favorite vacation spots are the Smoky mountains and any beach, anywhere. 

I know who I am…

God put strengths and talents inside of me and it took me 33 years (read this to discover your purpose), but I finally figured out that who I am is a writer, an encourager, a speaker of life, a teacher of truth and someone who is completely and totally full of JOY. I’m filled with peace and happiness, the kind that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes people even refer to me as “the happy chick.” I’m not for everyone. Some people think I’m “too happy” and that’s okay! I care way more about sharing the truth and setting captives free than I do about what people think…

Why I do what I do…

I spent wayyy too many years of my life living in the junk from my past. In 2012, I began to seek, and grow in wisdomWhen I fully opened up my heart to Jesus and decided to trust Him with my past, present and future, everything changed. I began to look at my past with a sense of gratitude. And I began to view my future with peace and hope. I knew my life had purpose. (You can read that full story here.) God lit a fire in my heart to share the freedom I had found with other women so they could live with genuine joy and happiness too! 

You wanna come along too?

So here we are! You’ll find tons of articles on the blog to help you grow in wisdom. (I love sharing wisdom with kiddos too! Check out my children’s books here!) Also, click here to download some awesome free resources that I created just for you. My favorite resource is my free eBook. You can download it right here

I’m so glad you’re here, sweet friend! (Would you believe that I’m actually 51% introvert, but I LOVE meeting new people?) I can’t wait to meet you where you are, and help you move forward into a joy-filled life step by step. (Oh! That reminds me… make sure you check out the Podcast. It’s called Stepping into a Joy Filled Life!)

One last thing… if growing in wisdom, walking in freedom and living a joy-filled life sounds awesome to you, then click here to become an email insider. I’ll meet you at your inbox once or twice a week with truth, inspiration and JOY! (I send the type of emails that you actually want to open!) Also, you’ll be the first to know about new podcast episodes, physical products and more. It’s my personal “Happiness VIP List.” The best part? It’s totally free! Simply sign up here!

Always Choosing Happiness,

“Katie has been a friend for many years. It doesn’t matter if we’re celebrating an achievement in the Caribbean or crying in a bathroom stall (we’ve done it all), she is always there to pray over us and build us up. She’s truly an inspiration.”

-Shanna W.

“Katie is such an inspirational blessing in many people’s lives, including mine. I want to become more like her.”

-Erma S.

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