
To the Exhausted, Busy Mom with a Teachable and Hungry Heart (Tips to THRIVE! – Part 1)


Hey sweet mamas! If you’re feeling exhausted, always busy, and looking for ways to thrive in your motherhood journey, this is for you. The mama who wants to partner with God, ditch the overwhelm, the chaos, and wants to grow forward out of the messy middle. This is for the girl I used to be…

My word of the year is relatable and that’s what really prompted this episode. Behind this microphone, I’m a busy Jesus lovin’ wife, mom, and Christan Life Coach who is juggling marriage, kids, this podcast, helping with my husband’s businesses, building our family home and creating new coaching programs! I spent a long time feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and this year, I’m digging into that person I used to be so that I can help you grow forward. It’s time to stop feeling stuck and instead, experience the joy-filled, abundant life that God has for you. 

So, I’m taking it way back with stories from my early motherhood journey and the whirlwind of emotions that happened during that time. I’m sure you know how it is as first time mamas and having that feeling of “I have no idea what I’m doing”. I know I didn’t! 

After we brought our daughter Chloe home from the hospital, I remember feeling completely exhausted and totally clueless. I was lonely and frustrated and quite honestly, borderline depressed. It had been days since I’d left the house (or showered) and I really couldn’t even grasp the thought of bringing my newborn baby out of the house with me. I was terrified! I remember my mom coming to visit and after crying for what seemed like forever, she encouraged me to get out out of the house. That was such a huge turning point for me. I realized that I could leave the house with a baby and everything was going to be okay.

Those early days were chaotic and messy. I made it so hard on myself and didn’t give myself any grace, even though that’s what I was telling other moms to do. One day, as I was rocking Chloe in the rocking chair, God began to speak to my heart. I was praying at the time and ended up getting distracted by a stack of magazines sitting next to me and thought “I’ve been so busy, I really need to catch up on my magazine reading”. But God whispered, “No, Katie, you really need to catch up on your bible reading. I want you to spend time with me. I love you”. God speaks to me so often through my kids and just as I love my kids, He loves me! 

I’m telling you this mama friend as a reminder that when you feel like you’re losing yourself in motherhood, don’t forget who’s you really are…You’re a daughter of the King first. 

As time has gone by, I’ve begun to seek more wisdom and have learned things along the way. I want to share those tangible tips with you, especially if you have that teachable and hungry heart and know there’s a better way. 

Tune in to the podcast to hear 5 tips to thrive in your motherhood journey as we talk overwhelm, asking for help, letting go of perfectionism, and more! Plus, check back next week for Part 2 as we dive in deeper on this topic!

Ready to take a break from the chaos in your day? I got you, girl. I teamed up with my friend, Alica Bales to create the guide that every stressed out girl needs. The Guide to Grounding will help you recenter your mind in 3 simple steps, which will you feeling peaceful, relaxed and calm in a matter of minutes

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