Today, we’re talking about something really important… our past. There are 3 things that may be holding you back and keeping you from moving forward to embrace your true identity. But first…
Why is taking a look at our past so important?
The truth is that our past can determine our future, IF we don’t deal with it. I know because I experienced it first hand. My parents divorced when I was 5, so I grew up believing that divorce was IN my future because it was in my past. Needless to say, it made my first few years of marriage rather challenging.
If we don’t deal with the tough stuff from our past, or if we choose to stay stuck in it, we are going nowhere fast. That’s exactly what happened in my own life until I discovered how to change my belief system.
Our belief system is like a train. It takes us places mentally and emotionally and then we act upon those things and it literally becomes our life.
For example, I believed I was headed for divorce early in my marriage, so I acted as if a divorce was coming. It was a total mess. Thankfully, my husband was kind and wiser than me, at least at the time and he was so patient with me as I worked through my messed up beliefs.
Let’s go even deeper and talk about the things that make up our belief system…
Picture your heart and your mind as soil. And picture the things that have happened to you and the words that have been spoken over you as seeds. All those seeds from your past that have been planted in the soil of your heart and mind (both good and bad seeds)…. Those seeds have taken root and become your belief system!
In being aware of this, and in dealing with it we’re empowered to live a more fulfilling and truthful present and future. That’s when we’re able to really live our life by design instead of living by default. It’s like we go from the day to day grind, or a life of mediocrity to a life of awareness and intention and joy.
So many of us have something in our past that we just keep hanging on to it, but not really dealing with. We keep quickly glancing back at it and it festers. And it distracts us. It causes worry and anxiety. It consumes our present life. And we get so tied up in it, that it prevents us from living the life that God has for us. The Bible says God has a plan for our future and it’s good. (Jeremiah 29:11)
So when it comes to our past, the best thing we can do it take a hard look at it, assess what’s there, do what needs to be done to deal with it (most times this means partnering with God in healing) and then fix our eyes forward, on the good future that’s in store! The past may have shaped us, but it doesn’t define us and it DOES NOT have to be our future.
How do we change our belief system, regarding our past so that we can live a more fruitful life in the present?
First, we need to identify the three things that could be holding us back:
- The seeds that were planted in us in our past…. Some seeds were actually good and produced good fruit. Some seeds that got planted were bad and they produced the 2nd thing that could be holding us back… weeds. And those things need to be pulled at the root with the power of forgiveness.
The 3rd thing to identify is bare spots in our soil. These are the things that were simply never spoken over us… seeds that never got planted in our soil. (I love you, I’m proud of you, I accept you or approve of you, etc.)
Once these things are identified, it’s time to renew our heart and mind with truth from God’s word. (Romans 12:2) God’s word is alive and true! This is how we plant new seeds in our soil… with the ultimate truths that are in God’s word.
Check out these amazing truths found in God’s Word…
God says that we are made in his image and that we are good. He calls us a masterpiece, and he says that we are loved. He says that with his help we are capable of doing all things. He also says that he holds our future and that it is good. We are his beloved Kingdom daughters. These are truths that we need to be renewing our minds with! This is how we change our belief system!!
How has this affected you personally, in your own life and testimony?
As I’ve mentioned, all of this has affected me personally. I carried so much brokenness and hurt because of my parents’ divorce. I remember feeling confused and broken. I remember asking “why me”?
I didn’t know all of this back then. I wish I would have but it took me digging in and seeking the Lord and in 2011, I decided that there was better out there. Like this can’t be God’s plan for my life where I’m feeling broken and scared, especially in my marriage.
I sought out a life coach and began to learn about the power of forgiveness and honor and what it looked like to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I knew God and I went to church but I didn’t understand the concept that God loved me so much that he would send his own son to die in my place to provide that saving grace that I needed.
Then came that February night in 2012 where God woke me up in the middle of the night. He spoke to me and said that if I hadn’t walked through everything in my past, I wouldn’t be where I am today. He used my mess for his message. I partnered with him that night and gave him my heart, my past and present and my permission to lead me into the good future that he had for me. I renewed my mind with his truth.
It was the ONLY way I’d ever found to move “past my past.” On that journey, I discovered my true identity (acceptance!) and I found freedom, peace and JOY. Now I’m so passionate about sharing this with other women too!
What can propel us forward, or help us “grow forward” so to speak, as we move “past the past” and into the good future that God has for us?
While we do need to deal with our past, we need to focus even more on the future.
As we think about and focus on the future, there are two things we can do that will really help us grow forward…
1. Dig into God’s WORD…. it’s the ultimate love letter and intentional living instruction manual.
If you’re feeling confused or if you don’t want to read your bible, have you tried asking God to help you discern what you’re reading? Have you tried asking him to speak to your mind through the Holy Spirit so that you begin to crave reading the Bible?
I encourage you to start there!
If you’re wondering where to start, I would encourage you to start in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are four different accounts of the life of Jesus where we see this beautiful picture of how deeply loved we are. I think God will speak to your heart in so many ways while you’re reading the gospels.
2.Develop a solid support system. You’ve probably heard me talk before about your 5 tribe… the 5 people you spend the most time with. I’m always saying show me your friends and I’ll show you your future and it’s SO true! Take a look at who is speaking into your life.
Sweet sister… The best is yet to come!
Thank you so much for sharing! It is a great blessing to me and my family. Continue to bless others💐. I pray blessings upon blessings for you and your family.