
Grow your Network Marketing Business with these 5 Simple Steps

Some of my favorite products come from Network Marketing companies. I love the quality and I love the people who make a living selling top notch products.

In fact, my husband and I have been blessed to work along side a team of fantastic people for the past 14 years, growing our own Network Marketing business. It provides a substantial part of our annual income.

We’ve learned a LOT over 14 years of team building and it all boils down to these 5 steps:

  1. Personal Growth: Your level of income will never exceed your level of personal growth. Whether you choose to read books, listen to audios, attend seminars or a combination of all three, I’ve learned that your leadership and team building skills (both of which will affect your income) will be equivalent to your level of ongoing personal growth.
  2. Generate Leads and Help Them Become Part of Your Team: You can generate prospect leads a number of way: social media, direct mail, e-blasts, cold calling, trade shows. However, the close is always the same; ask them questions, then stop talking. Listen twice as much as you talk. When you let the prospect talk… that’s when you’ll find out what need they have in their life. Listening helps build trust. If your opportunity fills their need, there’s a good chance they’ll come on board your team. Be genuinely interested in them, help fill their need and be excited! Energy and enthusiasm will magnetically attract people to you. People want to work with people who are passionate about what they do!
  3. Pray for your New Team Member’s Prosperity: Once you’ve added a new team member, pray fervently for their prosperity. Once my husband and I grasped this concept and began praying for our team’s prosperity instead of our own, BIG things happened! When your team prospers, so will you!
  4. Provide Servant Leadership: The best way to do this is by giving your team member their ONE next step and helping them accomplish it. Then the next step, then the next. Remember to celebrate the small victories with them all along the journey!
  5. Duplicate Yourself by Developing Leadership In Your Team: Teach your team to use these 5 steps in their own business-building and encourage them to step into Leadership Roles. Remember “If you delegate tasks, you’ll create followers. If you delegate authority, you’ll create leaders.” -Craig Groeschel

When you and your team are repeating these steps regularly, you’ll see incredible organizational growth and success!

Looking for some great books to grow your business or personal mindset? Grab the FREEBIE {10 Great Reads} for a printable list of book recommendations that you’ll love!

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