
Life Lessons with my High School Besties


Emily Burgus and Brandi Claman are two of my best friends. Actually we’ve been friends since High School (which seems like forever ago… am I right?)!

When we recently planned a dinner date, I instantly knew we’d have to put together a podcast episode. Our three lives have taken twists and turns and it’s been three totally different journeys, yet we share a common thread: we believe there is wisdom to be gleaned along the way and we know that the best is yet to come!

So… we got together for tacos and laughs, then we squished together in the back seat of my car to bring you this episode! It’s part entertainment, part nostalgia, part a glimpse into the future and a whole lotta wisdom!

Tune in to episode #17 of the Stepping Into a Joy Filled Life podcast, and enJOY as Em, Brandi and I discuss:

  • High School memories (who we were back then)
  • Who we are today
  • The hard lessons we’ve learned along the way and
  • What the future might hold

Do you ever feel “stress paralyzed” because you say ‘yes’ to all the things? Oh girl, I’ve been there too. In fact, I was in that place often. Until… I figured out how to say ‘no’ to the things that are not in line with my ideal life. The best part? I’m sharing my method inside of The Happy Chick’s Guide to Saying “NO.” It’s the manual that every stressed out girl needs!

Take action on your growth journey by downloading my Free eBook “7 Habits of Happiness.” It’s the original Free resource that God planted in my heart for you!

Don’t miss a single dose of happiness from KatieHedrick.com! Become an Insider (it’s quick and free!) to receive exclusive content that will help you Choose Happiness and Live Your Best Life!

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