
Meet the Illustrator!

You guys! I’ve been waiting soooooo long to reveal the talented illustrator behind my new children’s book “Penny the Peculiar Penguin” which releases 7.15.19! Today’s the day to share the big news!

The mystery illustrator and I have a had long and tightly intertwined friendship.

In fact, I’ve known her since she was born. We’ve had moments of grieving together, moments of growing together and moments of laughing until we leaked. Actually, we’ve probably had more of those moments than anything else. Ha!

We’ve watched each other fail… and we’ve watched each other soar. We support one another’s dreams and goals. We challenge each other to grow. We both love Jesus. And we’re both on fire for shining His light.

When I asked this special lady if she would illustrate my first children’s book, she said “yes!” with no hesitation and she went to work immediately.

She’s a loving wife, a patient and gentle mother, a spirit-filled soul and one of my very best friends.

We used to dream about opening a storefront, where we could combine our creative talents (her artwork and my photography). Doesn’t God work in funny ways? He had a bigger, better plan. Here we are, putting a book out into the world this summer that will speak truth into the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of children. What an incredible opportunity. I am grateful.

It’s time, friends. I’m so excited to announce the illustrator of the soon-to-be-released Children’s book “Penny the Peculiar Penguin”…..

*Drumroll please*




My sister, Dori Colborn!! #ThrowTheConfetti #BestIllustratorEver

You guys will NOT be disappointed when you get your copy of the book on 7.15.19. In fact, I bet you’ll discover some of the sweetest, cutest illustrations you’ve ever seen in a children’s book! Dori has taken my vision for the book, added her own magic touch and FAR exceeded my expectations!

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts when the book releases! Until then, click here to read Dori’s testimony, “There is Hope.”

(Please note, as an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.)

**RELEASING 7.15.19**

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