
When You’ve Got Haters

She’s so happy, it’s annoying.” Words out of the mouth of a hater. (Apparently, I’m too “happy” for some people! Lol!) People are so bold… hidden behind a computer screen or behind your back. 

The comment bothered me for like 2 seconds and then I got to thinking…

The last time I checked, Jesus, the guy who saved the ENTIRE WORLD had haters too. Yep. It’s true. 

Did he let it stop him? No. He pressed on. He changed everything. He made the ultimate impact. 

What did I learn from that?

If you’ve got haters AND pure intentions, you’re doing it right. 

Check this out…

14 months ago, my husband invented and patented a piece of equipment designed to help commercial roofers complete their projects in approximately half the time.  

We stepped out in faith and launched the new product, The Roof Rabbit (check it out here-it’s awesome!). 

And then…… haters came out of the woodwork. Every single one of them, hiding behind a computer screen, making outrageous comments. 

The Roof Rabbit company has done 6 figures in sales since it launched. More importantly, the lives of many Commercial Roofing Contractors and building owners have been improved because of our willingness to ignore the haters (or often, smother them in kindness) and press forward. 

Am I telling you our numbers to brag? No. I’m telling you because the haters and their untrue comments didn’t make a bit of difference when it came to our new business. Because we didn’t let them. We pressed on. They laughed and mocked us and we simply smiled and told them to “have a great day” (over and over again) with genuine kindness and honor. Then we proceeded forward with what has become a very successful business.

Here’s the thing…  

I actually feel sorry for the haters out there.

They are unhappy, often drowning in jealousy and buying the lie that putting others down will make themself feel better. 

When the truth is…. there is abundance. There is room at the top for us ALL. There is space for new ideas, inventions, products and people. Life is better when we lift each other up and cheer each other on. 

So friend, whatever you’re working on…. being the best mama you can be and raising up your family, writing a book or starting a podcast, dreaming up a new invention, starting a new photography business or non profit, walking the journey of personal development, planning how you can serve at your church or how you can help a friend in need… no matter what the haters are saying, I’m here, cheering you on. I believe in you! 

Whether you’ve got haters at school, at work, in your family or trolling online, press on. The world needs what you have to offer. 

You were born for greatness. You were born to create. You were born to succeed. Haters gonna hate, but you, you’re gonna press on. You? You’re gonna change the world. This is your encouragement, and your permission if that’s what you need, to keep going.

And to all the haters out there, you also have something to offer the world. Your negativity fuels us. It keeps us going. So, hate if you want. But I have to tell you, the view here at the top sure is nice. And there’s room for us all. 🙂

Ready to chase your passion and live your best life? Take action by downloading my Free eBook “7 Habits of Happiness.” It’s my way of cheering you on. You got this!

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