
Responding to Covid-19 in 3-2-1 with Pastor Dean Tomlinson


Covid-19. Coronavirus. Quarantine 2020. I don’t think any of us will ever forget the pandemic that is currently sweeping our nation. And honestly, I hope we don’t forget it.

In a lot of ways, the Quarantine of Early 2020 has been a blessing. A lot of families, including mine, have become way more intentional about spending quality time together. We need each other, more than ever.

The new, slowed-down pace has also led to more rest, home cooking, frugality in finances and it’s been a strengthener of faith…. all things that we desperately needed and didn’t even know it.

It’s also taught us that we can get by with less… less running, fewer conveniences, even less toilet paper.

It’s showed us to choose faith over fear and reminded us that we were born for a time such as this.

Today’s conversation with Pastor Dean Tomlinson is filled with a unique perspective on Covid-19. Pastor Dean explains how this is an opportune time to look up, reach out and make an impact on our ever-changing world. I think his thoughts will stir your heart.

Dean’s concept of 3-2-1 in a nutshell:

  • Pray for 3 people
  • Reach out to 2 people
  • Meet the needs of 1 person

Connect with Pastor Dean! 

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