
Choose Happiness in the Holiday Chaos

You’ve been anticipating the kids’ Christmas break for weeks. Now that it’s here, you’re a bucket of thoughts and emotions. In your mind, you teeter between “12 days of break is going to go way too fast” and “12 days is a loooooong time.” I hear you.

If your evening went anything like mine, it started with the first party happening right after school. After arriving back at home for the evening, your kiddo reminded you that you promised to bake bread (literally) with him before tomorrow’s family gathering. It’s 6:30 pm. And the bread baking is a 3 hour project.

Then another kiddo reminded you that your promised to put curlers in her hair. There’s a sink full of dishes, a stack of bills you meant to pay yesterday and your husband (who is awesome, obviously, because he chose you) is already in bed, sick with the winter sniffles. Your mind is whirling, thinking about the upcoming 7 Christmas gatherings you’ll soon be cooking for and shuffling kids and gifts to. Whew…


Deep breath. Give yourself a second, and some grace. When the plane’s going down, you put on your oxygen mask first so that you’re able to help others. What’s really important here? 

“Stop. Deep breath. Give yourself a second, and some grace.”

-Katie Hedrick

The dishes and bills will still be there tomorrow. So will your husband and kids, but I swear it will only be a few more tomorrows until they are grown up and off to college. So breathe in some grace, pass your husband the bottle of Motrin and then… bake the bread. Even if it’s messy. Even if it turns out imperfect. While it’s in the oven, throw the curlers in your little girl’s hair. When you finally curl up in bed tonight, you’ll be glad you did.

Toss aside the chaos and do what really matters this holiday season. Choose peace and love and goodness. Focus on the things that are pure and lovely and true. And choose happiness in the midst of it all.

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2 thoughts on “Choose Happiness in the Holiday Chaos”

  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This encouragement is exactly what I needed to get my mind and heart ready for Christmas.
    Keep going. We all need a little help choosing happiness!

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