
Penny the Peculiar Penguin Character Lineup

“Penny the Peculiar Penguin,” the fully illustrated Children’s Book is available now! Kids and parents alike will love the fun alliteration, charming illustrations and powerful message tucked inside the pages of the book! (Think Dr. Seuss meets Veggie Tales!)

Penny is a peculiar penguin, and she’s particularly good at problem solving. 

When she discovers that Peter the panda is having a problem on the playground, she asks her friends to patiently wait while she helps him, despite their persistent pleading. 

Find out how Penny and Peter solve the problem with the help of their principal, Miss Puffin.

Meet Penny and her friends!

Name: Penny Species: Penguin Fun Facts: Penny is a happy little penguin. Her favorite color is purple and she loves to read. She has a younger brother named Pappy and a baby sister named Penelope. 

Name: Peter Species: Panda Fun Facts: Peter the panda loves climbing trees and snacking on bamboo. His favorite game to play is ping pong. 

Name: Peggy Species: Platypus Fun Facts: Peggy the platypus spends a lot of time primping and prepping her blonde ponytail! She enjoys swimming at the local pool on pleasant afternoons. 

Name: Polly Species: Parrot Fun Facts: Polly is a purple parrot. She enjoys playing with her friends and eating peanut butter and crackers.  

Name: Paul Species: Peacock Fun Facts: You’ll often find Paul the peacock playing with his friends near the picnic table at recess! He spends his free time counting his purple feathers.

Name: Miss Puffin Species: Puffin Fun Facts: Miss Puffin is a Principal. She loves the students at Poppy Public School. When she’s not at the school, she enjoys spending time with her pet poodle. 

Name: The Pink Flamingos Species: Flamingos Fun Facts: The pink flamingos are particularly fond of standing on one foot and playing with pinwheels! 

CLICK HERE to read more about the Children’s book “Penny The Peculiar Penguin.”

Celebrate the summer season with Penny’s Perfect Summer Printable! The little people at your place with be pleasantly delighted as they work their way through Penny’s list of things to play at home and fun things to do in their community.

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What’s your Parenting Style? Are you the Fun & Spontaneous Parent, more Laid Back, a Protective Mama Bear or the Classically Strict Parent? Find out in 30 seconds and use it to bring out the best in your kids! Curious? Take the quiz HERE!

Family time around the dinner table can be hard to come by. When you do get those precious moments, engage in meaningful conversation with the Family Table Talk Guide. It’s a list of little conversation starters to share around the table with the people you love most! Grab it here for Free!

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