
Healing from the Past and Growing Forward with Carla Airey Colinares


Carla Airey Colinares is the Queen of Awesome. She’s my favorite Canadian friend! She is also the host of A Coffee with Carla, which means that she’s usually the one asking the questions as others share their stories on her show. But today, we’re turning the table and that’s a good thing because Carla is about to share the importance of healing from the past, knowing your worth and growing forward. 

From an abusive relationship to living in her friend’s basement to getting back on her feet, finding a loving husband and now changing the world with her positive mindset and social media presence, Carla’s story is one of truth, courage and inspiration! 

Carla’s story teaches us…

  • To stay positive. The world has enough negativity already. Choose to be a light in dark places!
  • That we are all capable of doing hard things. Sometimes doing the right thing means doing the hardest thing. Do it anyway. “It doesn’t matter what we do when we make bad choices. Learn from it and change, but don’t stay in that spot. Because your life? You only get one.”
  • That we become who we surround ourselves with.
  • That there is hope for the future and the best is yet to come!

Connect with Carla!

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3 thoughts on “Healing from the Past and Growing Forward with Carla Airey Colinares”

  1. You have a beautiful testimony Carla! I am so inspired how you have picked up the broken pieces and are creating a beautiful masterpiece of your life! You were so authentic,humble and real about your life story and am sure you will live the next chapter of your life inspiring and encouraging many others…..thank you!

  2. Carla – Thank you for sharing your story! It was almost identical to my story! I have been struggling lately and hearing you tell your story and it matching mine so closely helped me more than I can ever express. I have really been struggling lately and to know that there is someone who I can so closely relate to made my day! So Thank you. I have never fully shared my story and this has prompted me to at least type it out and think about sharing it with others. I will see where God leads me. Sending you much love!

    1. Hello friend! I passed your comment along to Carla and it meant the world to her to hear that her story is making an impact. Blessings to you, as you consider sharing your story! Our mess becomes his message! Amen!

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