
“Penny the Peculiar Penguin” is Available Now!

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The illustrated children’s book “Penny the Peculiar Penguin” is officially out in the world and available now!

What’s the book about?!

Penny is a peculiar penguin, and she’s particularly good at problem solving. 

When she discovers that Peter the Panda is having a problem on the playground, she asks her friends to patiently wait while she helps him, despite their persistent pleading. 

Find out how Penny and Peter solve the problem with the help of their principal, Miss Puffin.

“It’s awesome!”

-Elijah L. age 4

Who is the book for?!

“Penny the Peculiar Penguin” is best suited for kids age 4-12, but with an enhanced vocabulary and fun alliteration, older kids and parents will enjoy reading it just as much! 

(Think Dr. Seuss meets Veggie Tales!)

Discover a world of new vocabulary words with your child when you read through “Penny’s Page of Vocab for Little People,” a bonus included in the back of the book!

“The advanced vocabulary was unexpected. I love it!

-Alica B.

Kids and Parents alike are enjoying reading “Penny the Peculiar Penguin.” Here’s why…

  • The book features a relatable story line: Penny and her friends, Polly and Peggy are playing on the school playground when Penny notices that Peter the Panda is having a problem. Penny has a choice to make: help Peter or turn away. Penny is a wise little penguin, who makes a great choice. With the help of her wise principal, Miss Puffin, Penny helps all the pupils on the playground learn about kindness, patience and the power of seeking wisdom from trusted adults.
  • Penny’s character is based on the book of Proverbs. She strives to always do the right thing, no matter what others are doing or saying. Her heart and mind are focused on what God says is right, not on what’s cool or popular. As Penny strives to live out God’s wisdom in a joyful way, it positively impacts many others! Penny is always learning and growing!
  • The illustrations are adorable and drawn by talented artist Dori Colborn! Kids are loving the charming images in the book, including a purple penguin, a blue panda and a platypus with a ponytail to name a few!
  • The alliteration is spot on! “Penny the Peculiar Penguin” features many words that start with the letter “P” making the book an engaging and silly read for both kids and parents!
  • There are two bonuses in the back of the book! The “Digging Deeper with your Child” page allows parents the opportunity to talk about Penny’s character traits and how she makes good choices! “Penny’s page of Vocab” helps children expand their vocabulary in a fun way!

“Oh my goodness!!!  My kiddos and I absolutely love this book! I love that there is meaning to this story, rather than just fluff and nonsense. It encourages and teaches children to do the right thing, especially in today’s world where bullying is everywhere!  It’s a great addition to our library at home.”

-Holly R.

Penny the Peculiar Penguin is waiting to meet your family! Grab your copy of the beautifully illustrated children’s book today.

(Please note, as an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.)

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