
Woman on a Mission: Sharing the Truth about Essential Oils with Renee Warner


Renee Warner is a wife, momma, Wellness Advocate with doTerra and a country girl at heart. She’s passionate about helping others find their best physical, emotional, and mental health with essential oils. Renee is a wealth of knowledge. I love her passion and how she is walking out her purpose by serving others.

I am admittedly slightly obsessed with essential oils these days, but you wouldn’t believe how my oil journey began. My mom gave me a bottle of doTerra’s pure, therapeutic-grade lavender essential oil several years back. I graciously accepted the little bottle then proceeded to set it on my dresser and leave it there for the next 18 months. I had no idea what it really was, or how to use it. I also had this preconceived notion that only weirdos used essential oils.

But then Renee shared true and helpful information with me about the power packed in those little bottles of essential oils. One by one, I tried different oils and one by one, they made a huge impact on my family’s health.

My family enjoys better sleep, more mental clarity, stabilized emotional health, and overall improved wellness and immunity all because of essential oils. I realized that education is key, like knowing how and when to use the different oils, and that’s exactly what Renee provided for me. Whether you love using essential oils, you’ve heard of them, but don’t know where to start, or you’re clueless what essential oil even is, this episode is for you!

In episode #7 of the Stepping Into a Joy Filled Life podcast, Renee shares the truth about Essential Oils. Tune in to discover:

  • How Essential Oils can improve your family’s health and how you can get started with them.
  • The best way to use and apply Essential Oils.
  • Three Essential Oils that are great to have on hand and how to use them.
  • Some common myths vs. truths about Essential Oils.

Please note: this is not medical advice. You should always consult your doctor before making any changes to your health care routine.

Connect with Renee! 

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